Privacy Policy

World Media Ministries and Daystar Television Network - Canada collectively referred to as “Daystar Canada”, (“We” or “Us”) is committed to respecting the privacy rights of visitors to the websites owned and operated by Daystar Canada or its Partners In Action, including without limitation,,, and all subdomains, all local or toll-free call and mail processing centers, and all social media accounts held or operated by Daystar Television Network or its Partners in Action (collectively, the “Site”), and all live streaming, on-demand, videos, content, job postings, prayer requests, donations, pledges, giving, shopping and other services (collectively, “Services”) made available or provided from the Site.  Daystar Canada has adopted the privacy policies outlined below (this “Privacy Policy”), which serve as the basis for our use of personal information gathered when you interact with Daystar Canada or its Partners in Action, such as when you visit the Sites or when you contact our customer support or donation or prayer counseling agents. This Privacy Policy is intended to comply with privacy laws applicable to Daystar Canada and its Partners In Action and the operation of the Site and the Services.


When users visit our website, standard data is provided by your choice of web browser. Depending on the user’s private settings of his or her device and software, we may collect three types of information about users:  (1) “Personal Information” (such as name, email address, IP address, phone number, physical address, mailing or shipping address, billing address, age, gender, educational history, employment history, resume, credit card, check or other payment processing (such as Masterpass or PayPal), social media user name or ID, prayer or praise information, computer/device and other similar personally identifiable information); (2) “De-Identified Information” (such as statistical information on Site usage and data and technical requirements); and (3) “Aggregate Information” (such as information about how many users log on or call to the Site on a daily basis):

Personal Information is collected online when users voluntarily submit non-public personal information by signing up for our newsletter, submitting prayer requests or praise reports, seeking employment, making donations or pledges, purchasing books or other items using our shopping cart, sending or receiving electronic notices or other similar communications on the Services. Only your IP address would be collected automatically when you access the Site or the Services for purposes of enhancing your Site browsing via cookies or standard settings. Your Personal Information will be retained for fulfillment of the intended purposes for which such Personal Information is collected.

De-Identified Information is collected online information in which all personal and individually identifiable identifiers have been removed by Daystar Canada. De-Identified Information is used in a collective manner for analyses and statistics in order to improve the Services. De-Identified Information does not personally identify a specific user or such user’s geographic location.

Aggregate Information is non-personally identifiable (or anonymous) information about users, such as pages most frequently accessed. Aggregate Information is used in a collective manner, and no single person can be identified by that compiled information (for example, the number of people who logged into the Site in a particular day). Aggregate Information does not personally identify a specific user.

We will establish minimum and maximum retention periods based upon the type of information collected (i.e. sensitivity), the intended purposes and as otherwise may be legally required.

Personal Information shall NOT include any personal information posted or sent by or to you in any public forum (such as a posting on our social media accounts) available or assessed from the Site.  Participation in these public forums requires the public release and dissemination of such information, and thus Daystar Canada cannot commit to treating such information confidentially in the same manner that other personal information will be treated under this Privacy Policy.  Participation in these features of the Site is voluntary and thus your consent to certain terms is required before participation is allowed.


Daystar Canada maintains commercially reasonable safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the Personal Information provided by users. Such security safeguards are intended to be appropriate to the sensitivity of the Personal Information collected. To the extent that Daystar Canada transfers any Personal Information to third parties, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to assure that such third parties to whom we may transfer any Personal Information have knowledge of our Privacy Policy and provide sufficient protection of such Personal Information. Daystar Canada is committed to properly securing the Personal Information collected online. To help us accomplish this, we take the following steps:

  • We employ internal access controls to ensure that the only people who see your Personal Information are those with a need to do so to perform their official duties.
  • We train relevant personnel on our privacy and security measures and applicable legal requirements.
  • We physically secure the areas where we hold hard copies (if any) of the Personal Information that we collect or process.
  • We use technical controls to secure the Personal Information that we collect, as appropriate, including but not limited to: encryption, firewalls, and password protections.
  • We periodically test our security procedures to ensure personnel and technical compliance.
  • We disclose your identifiable Personal Information to others only in accordance with this Privacy Policy or as otherwise permitted by law.
  • We disclose the minimum amount of Personal Information as necessary for the particular purpose in compliance with applicable law.

Please note that, to provide secure credit card processing when ordering, donation requests and shopping cart orders placed on the Sites are processed through a payment gateway (such as PayPal or Masterpass) that operates under its own privacy policy.  While Daystar Canada does store credit card information in secure location with limited access for donation or pledge purposes only, Daystar Canada primarily works with third parties to serve as a trusted intermediary to handle e-commerce transactions with our customers. Our commerce partners handle e-commerce on secure servers which encrypt all of our customers’ Personal Information. To learn more about how our commerce partners manage the privacy of information in conjunction with these e-commerce transactions, please see their privacy policy located on their purchase pages.

Although we make good faith efforts to store and process necessary Personal Information we collect in a secure operating environment. It is a commonly understood fact that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure or fail-safe and as such we cannot guarantee absolute data security.


The term “personal information” has the meaning attributed to it under Part I of the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”). Where a province or territory has enacted legislation that is substantially similar to Part I of PIPEDA, such as Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act, British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act, or Quebec’s Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, and that statute has application to your personal information that Daystar Canada collects, stores, uses or discloses, then the term “personal information” has the meaning attributed to it in that legislation.

Canadian law governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in a manner that recognizes individuals’ right of privacy with respect to their personal information. Daystar Canada is committed to protecting users’ privacy and safeguarding the personal information provided to us in relation to our Sites. We protect and use your information by observing the principles and guidelines in PIPEDA and Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (“CASL”).

The type of personal information that is protected includes almost any information about an identifiable individual, such as the individual’s name, address, telephone number, age, gender, marital status and nationality. Personal information may not, however, include certain types of business or employment related information. It may not, for example, include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.

Personal Information may be processed by Daystar and its affiliates in the country where it was collected as well as other countries (including the United States) where laws regarding processing of Personal Information may be less stringent. Please note that Personal Information gathered online from the Sites or submitted by users to Daystar’s Partners in Action will be transmitted, stored and processed in the United States of America but remains in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).  By submitting your Personal Information to Daystar Canada or its Partner in Action, you expressly consent to the collection, transmittal, storage and processing of your Personal Information according to this Privacy Policy.

As further explained in the “Contact Information” section below, we encourage you to contact us should you have a privacy-related concern.


In order to strive to ensure users engage in a Site experience that is easy, reliable and safe, the Site may utilize a standard technology called a “cookie” to collect information about how the Site is used.  A “cookie” is a small text file that typically contain information about the website itself and is placed on users’ hard drive by our Site server that allows the site to recognize the user’s browser upon return.  These cookies do not collect Personal Information, only Aggregate Information.

Cookies enable certain features (for example login status), to track site usage (for example analytics), to store a user’s settings (for example timezone, notification preferences), and to personalise content (for example advertising, language, closed alerts).

Generally users’ browsers are defaulted to accept cookies.  However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies.  If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our Site or the Services will not function properly when you view them.

We do not combine Aggregate Information collected through cookies with other Personal Information to determine who you are or your e-mail or IP address.  The Site can access the Aggregate Information only from a cookie sent by the Site.  We cannot access other cookies sent by other website or the information contained in those other websites.  Additionally, we cannot learn your email or IP address through the use of a cookie.

We use cookies to track usage of the Site and the Services and further customize your experience when you are visiting the Site or using the Services.  By tracking usage, we can best determine what features of the Site and the Services best serve the users.  Without cookies, the features would “forget” items that may be stored. The session information used by the Site is deleted when your browser is closed.

When users visit the Site, there is an automatic collection of Aggregate Information about his or her visit.  We can tell the type of computer, browser, and web service that are being used. We also know the date, time, and pages that you visit on the Site Collecting this information helps us design the Site and the Services to enhance your experience during access. We may use Aggregate Information for internal purposes, such as providing targeted content to make the Site or the Services more useful to our visitors.  The gathering of this Aggregate Information may be accomplished by the use of cookies.  In particular, Daystar Canada and its trusted affiliates such as Daystar TV Network may collect an IP Address from all visitors to the Site. An IP Address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet.  We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Site, analyze trends, track users’ movement on the Site, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use in order for us to improve the Site, and deliver customized, personalized content.  IP addresses, however, are not linked to Personal Information.  We also may collect your device information if you ask for technical assistance from our customer support, and we will use such device information to trouble shoot problems with your device and connectivity to or use of video streaming or other content on the Site.

We do provide Third Parties with De-Identified Information or Aggregate Information about our users, as more fully set forth in this Privacy Policy.  However, other websites linked to the Site also may send cookies; however we do not control such activities even after reviewing their privacy policies to ensure their practices align with ours. We will never knowingly include 3rd-party services that compromise or violate the privacy of our users.

If you are accessing the Sites from outside the Canada, you will be prompted to consent to the collection of information via a cookie before full access will be granted.  You will only be asked to opt-in upon your initial visit to those portions of the Site only. By clicking “I accept”, you consent to the collection of information via a cookie. However, if you decline, you may not be able to view or access all page or feature of the Sites (such as the check out for your shopping cart from our online Shop). Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact to user experience of a website, blocking all cookies may reduce or remove ability access certain features and content across all websites.

Daystar Canada also may use a unique assigned number located with the Site’s URL to determine each website from which you navigated to get to the Site.  While this number may not be apparent to you, it does not contain your Personal Information.

We also use clear gifs in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by recipients.  This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.


Your privacy is important to us.  We will use the Personal Information provided by you in accordance with good commercial practice and applicable law.  If you provide us with your e-mail address (or have done so in the past), we will send notifications, newsletters or e-mail confirmations to you for the stated purposes of collecting such email address.  Your email will be used for notifications or newsletters only. Daystar Canada does not share your public email address with others in its public forums.

Daystar Canada collects your Personal Information at a variety of points, including when you place an order (which may require you to provide personal information, including a credit card number), request services, or take part in other activities on the Sites.  For example, we often ask for your Personal Information when you are conferring with one of our customer support technicians, making a donation or pledge, or purchasing a product.  During these interactions, we will collect Personal Information relevant to your transacting with Daystar’s e-commerce site, such as your name, phone number, mailing address, e-mail address, shipping address, and credit card information, along with information about the Daystar products or services selected by you. 

This information is important and necessary for billing purposes and to fill your orders or pledges. Transactions are completed using secure electronic encryption.  Credit card and other personal information may be transmitted to third party data processing companies or servers located in the United States and are subject to United States laws regarding disclosure. If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you.  When you submit a request, you will be provided with an option to opt-in to receiving promotional information on our products and services. We will not use your Personal Information for any purpose other than what you have intended it.  Please be aware that, if you prefer not to provide us with your Personal Information, since such information may be necessary for us to provide certain services, we may not be able to, or may choose not to, make such services available to you.

Daystar Canada may collect, use or disclose personal information without your knowledge or consent in the case of an emergency where the life, health or security of an individual is threatened.

By providing Personal Information using the Site or the Services, you warrant to Daystar Canada and its affiliates that your Personal Information is reliable for its intended uses, accurate, complete and correct, and that you will promptly notify use if such Personal Information is no longer current or correct.

We also may use your Personal Information collected via the Site and each Android App connected to the Site in the performance of all Services in order to provide, maintain and improve our Services as well as to develop new products and services to be offered as part of the Services.  For example, we use Personal Information to analyze data, to improve our product algorithms and databases and to tune our outputs based on a particular individual’s patterns of usage of our Services.

With respect to particular topics found on the Sites, Daystar Canada uses Personal Information submitted by you for the following purposes to you:

  • LIVE STREAM & ONLINE VIDEO-ON-DEMAND – Your email address is required to answer technical issues
  • JOBS – Applying online for jobs requires submission of your gender, name, address, email, phone, employment and education history, and resume, and such information is used by Daystar’s human resources department in order to process your employment request.
  • NEWSLETTER – Your email address is required in order to provide our newsletters directly.
  • PRAYER REQUESTS/PRAISE REPORTS – Each prayer request and praise report submission requires your name, phone number, email address and prayer/praise information; “Share Your Story” feature also requires your age and photos (optional).  Prayer requests and praise reports are used by the ministry teams of Daystar Canada and its Partners in Action in order to answer you.
  • DONATIONS/GIVING – Donations or pledges require your name, email, phone, address and credit card or check information or PayPal.  This Personal Information will be used by Daystar Canada and its Partners in Action in order to process such donation or pledges to the particular ministry selected or identified by you (or, if undesignated, for general ministries offered by Daystar Canada and its Partners in Action worldwide.
  • SHOP – Our merchandise shopping cart requires your name, address, email, phone and credit card information or Masterpass.  This Personal Information will be used to process your purchase (including payment) and deliver the ordered items to you.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA – If you wish to participate in the social media sites linked to the Sites (such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, YouTube, and Google+), we will be given your social media user account name as well as access and viewing of your social media account and postings.


As a general policy, Daystar Canada and its Partners in Action may share Personal Information internally in the fulfillment of our ministries and the Services offered on or using the Sites. 

Daystar Canada does not share, sell or trade Personal information with other third parties without permission from the user.  However, we may provide your Personal Information to third parties directly involved in the operation, performance, support, hosting and/or maintenance of the Site or the Services and each product or service offered on the Site, including without limitation, our web site designers, marketing and advertising providers, hosts, service providers, technical consultants, payment processors, credit agencies, law enforcement officers, as required by law connected to legal proceedings or other lawful requests and business partners. We use credit card or payment processing companies to bill you for any purchase items or any donations or pledges. Any Personal Information, however, will be used by such organizations only to perform their functions and/or to provide services in support of the Site or the Services, and as otherwise permitted by law or approved by you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  Transactions are completed using secure electronic encryption.  Credit card and other personal information may be transmitted to third party data processing companies or servers located in the United States and are subject to United States laws regarding disclosure. Aggregate Information or De-Identified Information may at times be shared with Daystar Canada’s business partners and other third parties.

We reserve the right to assign or transfer your Personal Information to any successor in interest to our organization associated with the Site or the Services by merger, reorganization, sale of all or substantially all of our assets or equity interests or operation of law.  We also may divulge Personal Information if such information is required for us to comply with any valid legal process, such as a subpoena, search warrant, statute or court order, or if we reasonably believe that you have commit unlawful acts or acts that may endanger the health or safety of another user or of the general public.  You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on the Sites of any change in ownership or uses of your Personal Information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your Personal Information.


Daystar Canada provides its Site users with an easy means to opt-in and/or decline receiving notifications, newsletters or offers by email.  We recognize the importance of providing you with the choice to “opt-in.”  You can control the number of notifications sent by email by your election when you submit a request or otherwise notifying Daystar or its Partners in Action.  If you prefer, you also can “opt-out” of receiving any email notifications by contacting our Privacy Officer at the Contact Address below.  All e-mail offers sent by Daystar Canada will inform you as to how you can “opt-out” or decline receiving further e-mail offers.  However, with respect to any Personal Information that is sensitive in nature, we will require you to “opt-in” to having such Personal Information used or shared by Daystar Canada.

Please note that there are no automated decision-making that is made on a solely algorithmic basis with respect to your Personal Information.

Users are provided the option to opt-out within each e-mail or newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive Daystar Canada and Daystar communications, you may “unsubscribe” from our email or mailing program at any time in the following ways:

  • By clicking on the auto-unsubscribe link included in each e-mail; and
  • By contacting our customer support at the email, mailing address and/or phone numbers shown in “Contact” tabs of the Site.

We will then update our database and take reasonable measures so that no further promotional correspondence should be sent to the e-mail or mail address. You will be opted out of further communications within ten (10) business days. You may, however, still receive transactional messages related to any purchases, donations or pledges.

With respect to transactional messages, Daystar Canada will send required notifications via email and/or mail in order to inform you as to the status of your orders, requests, donations or pledges. 

This service is used for messages that are important for the performance of the Services. 

When you make such orders, requests, donations or pledges, we require an email and/or mail address for completion of the transaction and such address will be used for these communications.  In order to stop receiving these notifications, please contact our customer support at the email, mailing address and/or phone numbers shown in “Contact” tabs of the Site.

Daystar Canada has made available the public forums on the Site so that you may have an opportunity to interact with other Site visitors in order to share knowledge and news or participate in social media postings or community activities. Since participation in such forums is voluntary, you control what Personal Information may be disclosed to others. In order to avoid your email address or other Personal Information from being gathered and used by others for unsolicited, inappropriate or harmful purposes, Daystar Canada advises users to be cautious about posting email addresses or phone numbers or other personal information in any public forums, and that users do so at his or her own discretion and risk. Daystar Canada is not responsible and shall not be held liable for information and Personal Information posted in the public forums.


Daystar Canada carefully maintains its customer database in an effort to keep users’ Personal Information accurate for the purposes for which it is used.  It is the right of the user to be able to update your Personal Information as needed.  It also is the user’s right to view your Personal Information and access an overview of how it is processed by Daystar Canada.  You can correct out-of-date information, update information, remove information, delete your Personal Information, or review any information previously provided to Daystar Canada or its Partners in Action by contacting our Privacy Officer at the Contact Address below. By maintaining an accurate donor/customer database, we are able to send notifications via e-mail to keep you informed about the status of your orders, donations or requests and to provide newsletters and technical notices.

You may request to view the Personal Information collected about you through your use of the Site operated by Daystar Canada by sending an e-mail to our Privacy Officer at the Contact Address below.  If you send your request by email, we will likely send such Personal Information (or a summary thereof) to your email address on file in our database, or we will send the Personal Information to you in another secure manner. You have the right to obtain a portable copy of the stored date on your Personal Information. If at any time you wish to change, correct or update your Personal Information, or have it removed from our database, you may do so by accessing your user account on the Site.  You also may submit a change request to our Privacy Officer by sending an email to the Contact Address below.

Changes will be implemented within 10 business days.  We will also respond to access to Personal Information within 10 business days.  Please note, however, that we may retain your Personal Information for as long as your request or order is active, as needed to provide the Services requested by you and your Personal Information also may be retained in our archives. 

We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.  Please contact us if you wish to cancel your request or order or if you no longer wish to receive the Services.  When contacting our customer support or our Privacy Officer, we will verify your identification through the use of security questions before sharing any Personal Information as it appears in our customer database.


We have designated our Privacy Officer, who can be contacted at the following address (“Contact Address”):

By Mail:

Daystar Canada
2425 Matheson Blvd East
8th Floor, Suite 720
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5K4

Phone: 1-800-829-1185 / 437-500-6762


Our Privacy Officer is accountable for Daystar Canada’s compliance with this Privacy Policy and applicable international, federal and provincial privacy laws including but not limited to the accordance of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which sets the rules for how Canadian organizations handle personal information. If you have any challenge concerning our compliance with this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions about Daystar Canada’s purposes for the collection and retention of your Personal Information, then please contact our Privacy Officer at the Contact Address and provide a description of your concerns sufficient in detail to permit the Privacy Officer to investigate your concerns and contact you.  It is our intent to make available to you through the Privacy Officer specific information about this Privacy Policy and our management of your Personal Information as may be required by applicable law.

Daystar Canada uses a self-assessment approach to ensure compliance with this Privacy Policy and periodically verifies that this Privacy Policy is accurate, comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implement and accessible and in conformity with applicable privacy laws.  We encourage you to raise any concerns using the contact information provided above.


Daystar Canada does not knowingly solicit data from children or knowingly market to children. Daystar Canada is concerned about the safety of children and their use of the Internet.  Therefore, since the collection of information as per PIPEDA and other international child privacy laws as well as our database housed in U.S. based servers, in accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we do not knowingly request or solicit personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without prior verifiable parental consent.  In the event that we receive actual knowledge that we have collected such Personal Information without the requisite and verifiable parental consent, we will delete that information from our database as quickly as is reasonably practical.


By providing personal information to us, users consent to us collecting, holding, using, and disclosing personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. Users under 16 years of age must have, and warrant (to the extent permitted by law to us) that they have the permission of their parent or legal guardian to access and use the website, and that the parents or guardian have consented to you providing us with your personal information.


Users should be aware that other Internet websites to which users hyperlink from the Site may contain privacy statements that differ from our Privacy Policy.  Daystar Canada encourages users to read and understand such privacy policies and terms of use of any linked websites they accessed.  If users decide to access such linked websites and/or provide any personal information to such linked websites, users do so entirely at their own risk. Daystar Canada is not responsible for such provisions, and expressly disclaims any and all liability related to such provisions.


No transmission of data over the Internet is guaranteed to be completely secure.  It may be possible for third parties not under the control of Daystar Canada to intercept or access transmissions or private communications unlawfully.  If you choose to visit the Site or use the Services, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to limitations of damages and application of the law of the Province of Ontario and the laws, regulations, ordinances and treaties of Canada and of the United States of America.


If we or our assets are acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter bankruptcy we would include data among the assets transferred to the parties who acquire us. Users acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any parties who acquire us may continue to use your personal information according to this policy.


This Privacy Policy was last modified on April 30, 2024. This Privacy Policy has been adopted with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established.  Accordingly, these policies are subject to change at any time and Daystar Canada expressly reserves the right to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time and in our reasonable discretion, by posting a change notice to the home page of the Site. We will take reasonable steps to let users know about changes via our website. 


By using the Site or the Services and/or voluntarily submitting your Personal Information, you expressly consent to the use and disclosure of information, including but not limited to Personal Information, as described in this Privacy Policy. Your consent will be required separately (and not bundled) each time that you submit Personal Information. Your continued use of the Site or the Services after the effective date of any modification to the Privacy Policy will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms.  You agree to review the Privacy Policy each time you use the Site so that you are aware of such modifications.

DATE: April, 2024