Our Bible based lineup of programming includes all of your favourite ministries from across Canada and around the world!
Program Name
A Better Us
A Word For Today
Believer’s Voice of Victory
Believers Walk of Faith
Concepts of Faith
Christian Worship Hour
Creflo Dollar Ministries
Drenda Keesee Ministries
Dr. Sam
Ever Increasing Faith
Faith Alive
Gospel Music Showcase
Hagee Ministries
Hal Lindsey Media Ministries
Healing Miracles
Healing Time
In Touch Ministries
Inside Israel with ICEJ Canada
Israel Now News
Israel: The Prophetic Connection
It's Supernatural
Jentezen Franklin
Jerusalem Dateline
Jewish Voice
Joni Table Talk
Joseph Prince
Land of the Bible
Larry & Tiz Huch
Leading the Way
Life Today
Lifeline Today
Love A Child
Love of God
Marcus Lamb
Ministry Now
Mission Feeding
Our Jewish Roots
Pathway to Victory
Paula Today
Phaneroo Ministries International
Power for Living
Prophecy Watchers
Prophecy USA
Prophetic Sound Broadcast
Real Life
Rhema Praise
Rick Renner
Talk Truth
The Gospel Truth
The Jewish Jesus
The John Ankerberg Show
The Place for Miracles
The Potter's Touch
The Winner's Way
Today with Marilyn and Sarah
Travel The Road
Turning Point for God
God Rocks!
Lessons From the Bible
Maralee Dawn and Friends
Host Name
Addison Adamu
Allan Hunsperger
Andrew Wommack
Ann Mainse
Annette Capps
Betty Robison
Dr. Bill Winston
Bobby Burnette
Caleb Colson
Charles Capps
Dr. Charles Stanley
Corri Hunsperger
Creflo Dollar
Dale Bronner
Dr. David Jeremiah
David Sussman
Dick Deweert
Donna Holbrook
Doug Baert
Dr. Doug Weiss
Drenda Keesee
Fred Price, Jr.
Gary Stearman
Gene Bailey
God Rocks!
Gospel Time Square
Grace Lubega
Greg Laurie
Hal Lindsey
Dr. Harold E. Salem
Jack Hibbs
James Robison
Jentezen Franklin
Jeff Futers
Jerome Fernando
Joan Deweert
John Ankerberg
John Hagee
Dr. John Tweedie
Jonathan Bernis
Joni Lamb
Joseph Prince
Joseph Z
Josh Reinstein
Joshua Colson
K.A. Schneider
Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth W. Hagin
Larry Huch
Lindsay Roberts
Mac Hammond
Maralee Dawn
Marilyn Hickey
Dr. Michael Youssef
Mondo Gonzales
Paula White-Cain
Perry Stone
Randy Brodhagen
Richard Roberts
Richard Pearson
Rick Renner
Robert Jeffress
Rod Parsley
Ron Mainse
Dr. Sam Kojoglanian
Sarah Bowling
Shawn Baker
Sherry Burnette
Sid Roth
Stéphane Chauvette
T.D. Jakes
Ted Shuttlesworth
Timothy Scott
Tiz Huch