Healing Miracles with Addison Adamu
About Healing Miracles with Addison Adamu
Addison Adamu, a former Muslim called from the religion of Islam into prophetic and divine healing ministry, sharing his amazing conversion story from Islam to Christianity at the age of sixteen (16), in Ghana, West Africa through healing miracles, the resurrection of the dead, serial visions and dreams from Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Pastor Addison is a healing Evangelist, the host and producer of Healing Miracles television ministry, featuring anointed teachings, preaching, praying for the sick, and showing many outstanding individual documented healing miracles and 7×7 Blessing testimonies from Freedom House Church International weekly worship and healing services in Atlanta, Georgia, evangelistic healing crusades, conferences, mission trips, school evangelisms, and testimonies from global viewers.
Healing Miracles broadcast showcases the healing power of Jesus Christ with various healing testimonies and miracles from people of all walks of life.
Jesus Christ using a former Muslim in America to preach His healing and Salvation Gospel to the world with healing, miracles, signs and wonders following, Praise God!
Air Times (ET)
Sunday: 5:30pm
Ministry Information:
Address: Freedom House Church International
1925 Glenn Club Drive Stone, Mountain, GA 30087
Phone: 1-800-516-8774
Website: addisonadamuministries.org